View Original Charter & Charter Members
As of January 2023 this camping chapter is no longer a Good Sam Chapter
In May 1972, Arthur and Jeanne Lawson attended a Good Sam regional meeting held in Gloucester, Massachusetts. National Good Sam organized the regional meeting so that the New England States, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine and Vermont could begin organizing new chapters and their state rallies. At the regional meeting Art Lawson was appointed New Hampshire State Director Pro Temp.
Soon after the regional meeting, National Good Sam sent ballots to all active New Hampshire members and Art Lawson was elected New Hampshire’s first State Director and was director until 1975. After being appointed Art Lawson sent out a letter to members in the Nashua area informing them that we were forming a new Good Sam chapter.
On November 5, 1972 the first chapter meeting was held at the Lawson’s house on 25 Edinburg Drive in Nashua, NH. At that time there were 19 members present which were, Arthur and Jeanne Lawson, Jerry and Sarah Tucker, Lenny and Evelyn Blier, George and Marg Bannister, Leo and Stella Gosselin, Stan and Elaine Morrison, Robert and Barbara Anderson, Grant and Dorothy Davis, John and Gloria Duval, Wesley and Betty Ellis, Irving and Bernice Flandreau, Allyn and Edna French, Lennie and Irene Gagne, Charles and Francis Gillingham, Richard and Janet McAlpin, Robert and Margo Pettingill, Oliver and Hazel Pratt, Harold and Florence Rezendes, and Harold and Pat Woodman.
The first item of business was to elect officers. The first officers elected were, President, Arthur Lawson, Vice President, Jerry Tucker, Secretary, Evelyn Blier, Treasurer, Marg Bannister, Wagon Master, Leo Gosselin, Publicity Chairman, Stan Morrison. Then began the list of names to call the chapter, some mentioned were Square Wheels, NH Travelers, Family Travelers and New Hampshire Wheels. After much discussion, it was agreed that the name would be “New Hampshire Wheelers”.
A committee was selected to write by-laws for the chapter and until they were completed we would abide by the Good Sam National by-laws. The decision was then made that our emblem would be a red and yellow wheel with the name New Hampshire Wheelers on the outside with spokes on the inside with a picture of Good Sam logo in the middle. Leo Gosselin designed and built the wheel, and Bob Pettingill designed and ordered patches to match the wheel for the chapter. Membership in the chapter was decided to be 25 families and it was agreed that dues would be $2.00 per family.
In September 1973 the chapter hosted the first New Hampshire rally held at Shady Lane (now Yogi Bear) Campground in Ashland, which was attended by 73 rigs.
The chapter has had many changes in membership and officers during its existence, but one thing that has not changed is the camaraderie and the friendship that continues today.
As of 2003, Art and Jeanne Lawson are the only charter members who are still very active members in the chapter.
August 2011, the Lawsons retired from NH Wheelers and moved
to Florida in September as a permanent move due to health reasons.
At the
NH Samboree in August 2011, they were presented a citation and a certificate of
appreciation from the NH State Governor, John Lynch.